Well... here goes my first step into the Blogosphere... and it feels like I have nothing to share. :-|
Perhaps it is best to explain why I am here and why I am doing this.
First of all I wish to improve my written communication skills. As a Project Manager for a large technology firm - one of the core tenants of that profession is to communicate and communicate well. Fair enough, however often times we communicate in short phrases (bullets) to get our point across - hopefully to glean the support needed, win approval etc... In short it meets the need - but falls way short on the sharing continuum.
Secondly I wanted to talk about my hobbies/interests, primarily photography, but also perhaps occasionally about my Autocrossing experiences or about Music, or a Book I am reading or just to vent a bit about the narrow-mindedness I see in our political leaders. Don't worry - this will not be another political blog - but I may feel compelled to say something when things get really stupid - so, please forgive me in advance.
Okay.... lets get on topic and explain why I titled this Blog Shutter / Stop. Those that are active photographers are familiar with these terms, "Shutter" meaning the amount of time the film or sensor is exposed to light and (f)Stop being the amount of light the lens lets through. I liked the way these two words interplayed so I named my blog Shutter / Stop.
This then left me with a decision on what I should 'kick-off' with. Hmhhhh.... decisions.... decisions! I think I will start off with Krazy Foto Kampers. Okay who or what the "H E double hockey sticks" is that? Well it started out as a group of photographers from the greater Sacramento area that got together weekly (The Friday Night Gang) at a local rental Darkroom decided to do a camping trip together. I joined the group in 2000 and every year, normally before summer, we would get together for a 4 day weekend to camp, talk, eat, drink,exchange white elephant gifts and yes... take photographs. These trips are mostly in the state of California - but we have had two excursions into Nevada including this year where we met and camped at
Berlin-Icthyosaur State Park near Austin Nevada. This location was an interesting blend of an old mining ghost town, the largest depository of Icthyosaurs and great views of the Great Basin.
About 6 months after our camping trip (early fall) we all get together and do a print exchange. We all agree to make an 11x14 image for each participant - so that when the exchange occurs - we all have a portfolio of images from each person... some years we have walked away with about 20 different images.
Now this is not group of Instamatic snap shooters - but a group of very accomplished photographers and artists. I am blessed that I have been able to spend time with these gentleman (term used loosely) and I hope that there wisdom, skill, humor and goodwill have and will continue to rub off on me.
So I will leave this Blog including a sneak preview of the photo that I have chosen to include. In this case it is a digital photo that I took on historic highway 50 in Nevada... enjoy!